‘Get Grubby’ – Intro

pics of muddy happy people doing mud football, bog snorkeling and more

Mucking about and ending up grubby-faced can be fun! It also builds your body and your antibodies up. Participation takes calories and gives zestful memories to your days on this planet…. give or take the odd hiccup, scratch, bump and/or bruise.
The Grubby Face Kid Blogs has a collection of Get Grubby activities… whereby you may incur a grubby face.

Some examples of the activities are:
swamp soccer uk
gloucestershire cheese rolling
tar barrels of ottery st.mary
commando challenge
extreme bog snorkelling
dartmoor ten tors
….. more as we find

Remember to double check any content given for in-date correctness. Always prepare sensibly, with sound advice…………. “Be Safe, Go Do”.

3 thoughts on “‘Get Grubby’ – Intro”

    Playing in the real world is FUN! Grubby is cool!! (as long as there is a shower or a bath to hand soon afterwards!!!!!!!!!)

    ha :o

  2. A bit of grubby fun is healthy. A bit of bumping and bruising keeps your body ‘on-its-toes’. There is a chemical (drug) release effect as well….. adrenaline is a well known one….. it can be addictive! Who says all drugs are bad and naughty.


  3. The grin on the face is directly proportional to the sludge factor of the surrounding mud!
    The shower after any serious-mud-event is worthy of high luxury status.
    These events should be recognised by the health service, sports council, and showers-R-us.

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